Birds of BloNo with Dr. Pirmin Nietlisbach


the 2025 course is full! But …

If you would like to be added to a waitlist and/or express tentative interest for a future iteration of the course, please email Pirmin ( In the meantime, you can read the class description:

Have you wondered what birds you can see in your yard and elsewhere in the county? Do you enjoy seeing birds but would like to learn better how to identify the common birds in our area? We are excited to announce a new course that will introduce participants to the birds in and around Bloomington and Normal. More than 250 species of birds are observed in McLean County year after year. In this course, we will learn how to identify the most common birds around here and how they live. After this course, participants will be able to identify approximately 70 common species of birds and know more about their biology and conservation. No prior knowledge is required for participation in this introductory course. The course includes 5 indoor evening sessions on the campus of Illinois State University and 5 corresponding outdoor excursions to natural areas nearby (in town and up to 20 minutes drive away).

Course participation

Course participants need to be or become members of the Grand Prairie Bird Alliance and make an additional donation of at least $50 to the Grand Prairie Bird Alliance. Participants younger than 21 years or those struggling to make this donation may have their course fee waived or reduced. Directions for how to make those donations will be shared after registration.

This course is limited to 18 participants with priority given in order of registration. To register for this course, please send an email to Pirmin Nietlisbach, and mention “Birds of BloNo Course” in the header. The registration deadline is Monday, January 20, 2025. The course may be cancelled if fewer than 10 people sign up.

A pair of decent binoculars is necessary for this course and should be acquired by participants. Reasonable binoculars cost upwards of $120 (e.g., Vortex Crossfire HD or similar models) or $200 (e.g., Vortex Diamondback HD or similar models). Further information about binoculars will be shared with registered participants, and a few pairs of binoculars may be available to be loaned out to people not able to buy their own pair.

Participants are responsible for their own insurance. The course will take place in any (safe) weather, so please be prepared to dress accordingly.


This course will be taught by Dr. Pirmin Nietlisbach, Assistant Professor of Evolutionary Biology at Illinois State University. Pirmin has been watching birds since he was a teenager. Originally from Switzerland, Pirmin lived in Vancouver, Canada, before moving to Bloomington-Normal in 2020. His research at Illinois State University focuses on mate choice decisions and their evolutionary consequences in a population of house wrens near the Mackinaw River, and on the genetic consequences of life in small populations of deermice and song sparrows at the west coast of Canada. In his free time, Pirmin enjoys bringing his dogs along to watch birds in natural areas, and to naturalize his yard with native plants.

Course dates and tentative program:

Introduction & waterbirds

Wednesday, February 26, 6.30-8.30 pm

Saturday, March 1, 8.30-11.00 am

Systematics & common resident birds

Wednesday, March 19, 6.30-8.30 pm

Saturday, March 22, 8.30-11.00 am

Breeding bird conservation & forest birds

Wednesday, April 9, 6.30-8.30 pm

Saturday, April 12, 8.30-11.00 am

Bird migration & early migrants

Wednesday, April 23, 6.30-8.30 pm

Saturday, April 26, 8.30-11.00 am

Bird conservation & warblers

Wednesday, May 14, 6.30-8.30 pm

Saturday, May 17, 8.30-11.00 am